Read a filtered list of files from a directory and ask the user to choose one (Bash)

One of the most powerful aspects of Docksal is how easy it is to extend base functionality with Bash scripts. A common use-case is to automate importing databases when initializing projects. The snippet below reads all DB files from a directory and presents the user with a choice about which file to import: ...

September 30, 2019 · 2 min · 229 words

How to Downgrade Postgresql from 11 to 9 to fix "pg_dump: aborting because of server version mismatch" error

Gitlab Omnibus ships with Postgres 9.6. Unfortunately for me, several online references suggest using an external Postgres database container when using the Docker-based release of Gitlab but fail to mention the extremely important requirement: Gitlab only supports the same version of Postgres externally as internally. This fact is buried in the install requirements document, but even there it specifies “9.6 or newer,” but in the case of Docker installs, it should say “9.6 exactly.” ...

April 21, 2019 · 4 min · 706 words

Taming Google Search Results With UBlock Origin

Web advertising is a cancer. What purportedly began as a way to fund the production of quality content has metastasized into a privacy-invading, kludgy, bloated weight that is at direct odds with the highest ideals of the internet. Luckily, great tools exist to inoculate us against this threat. uBlock Origin is a self-described “wide spectrum” content blocker that happens to be good at blocking ads, but can do much more. ...

March 4, 2019 · 2 min · 251 words

Taming Google Search Results With UBlock Origin

Between toxic algorithms, intrusive ads, and pervasive tracking, the YouTube viewing experience is untenable. Their greedy, single-minded focus on advertising dollars has corrupted the user experience to the point that intrepid open source developers created the tools below. The goal here is to download YouTube videos and consume them without suggestion algorithms or comments, and play them through the Jellyfin media player so a separate app (YouTube or otherwise) is not required....

March 4, 2019 · 2 min · 305 words

Force OSX Finder to Always Show Hidden Files

By default Mac OSX coddles the user by hiding system and “hidden” files (beginning with a period). This is counter-production to the power user in all of us, and an insult to our intelligence! End this madness with: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES Then “Relaunch” Finder by option+right-clicking on the Finder icon. To change this back, do: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO Easy!

January 3, 2019 · 1 min · 63 words